Difference between Sync and Async mode
LED display’s control system is usually divided into sync mode and async mode. Distinguishg their difference can help users to choose LED displays more specifically
Sync mode:
It is completely synchronized with the content on PC, whatever play on PC, then played on the LED display, and the key is to update and synchronize the content by the computer in real time. Therefore, sync mode must have a fixed PC to control screen, once PC off, the LED display cannot receive signal and will off too. This mode is mainly used in places with high real-time requirements.
Async mode:
That information does not need to be updated in real time. The principle is to edit content(which needs to be played) on PC first, then send it to controller(via network cable, data cable, 3G/4G network, WIFI, U disk, etc.). Therefore, even if PC is off, the display can play preset contents, it is suitable for places where real-time requirements are not so high.
How to choose these 2 control modes?
Sync screen can play in real time, the amount of playing data is not limited, even playing time will be limited, once the communication with PC is interrupted, display will stop playing.
Async screen can achieve offline playback, as well as storage information, playback information is stored in advance in the controller, the disadvantage is that it can not be synchronized with PC playback, and the amount of playback information will be subject to certain restrictions, the reason is the storage capacity of controller, can not be unlimited storage, resulting in async mode playback info is limited.